In August 2015 at its triennial General Council, The United Church of Canada undertook to ask the whole church to agree to establish a single order of ministry.
Touchstone is hosting an online conversation on this subject in 2016, sparked by a series of short papers from a range of persons across the United Church, as well as some ecumenical friends and neighbours. The first essay (posted below), by Harold Wells, orients us to the Biblical, theological, and contextual issues that are in play. (**NOTE – Harold’s piece is a longer thematic introduction to the whole series. The papers that follow will be much shorter, in the range of 750-1000 words.)
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For further reference, you may wish to consult “A Proposal for One Order of Ministry” on pages 136-145 of this report:
Our hope is to encourage lively and thoughtful conversation about this matter as it is currently before our denomination.
Thank you for your interest, and please return often to see the latest discussion papers.
Rob Fennell and Adam Kilner, series coordinators