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Subscription Rates

$28 for 1-year subscription
$52 for 2-year subscription
$75 for 3-year subscription
*$20 for 2-year subscription
*if you have been
ordained/commissioned/ recognized in the last 12 months OR you are a student

NOTE: for addresses outside Canada, rates are in US funds

Methods of Payment

E-transfer: send to

Credit Card or PayPal: click HERE

By Cheque: click HERE and print off the form

Gift Subscriptions

Touchstone makes a great gift!

To arrange for a gift subscription,

please follow these steps:

1) Send an email with the name of the recipient and their postal address to 

Be sure to indicate your name and the number of years you are paying for (1, 2, or 3).

2) Make your payment, using the rates at the top of this page as your guide. Pay by e-transfer, credit card, PayPal, or send a cheque, as indicated above.

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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